Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Heartache is a universal phenomenon... and it's no joke. The heartache experience is a widely discussed topic in both the psychology and medical professions. "According to the Hippocratic Medicine view, 'passionate love will almost always fade or turn into love melancholy - this is a form of depression or sadness. Passionate love is love in the 'honeymoon phase', the beginning of new love, but it burns itself out after a year or two." (According to Wikipedia)

"Freud asked 'isn't what we mean by falling in love a kind of sickness and craziness, an illusion, a blindness to what the loved person is really like?' Love sickness isn't just a form of expression for those who are head-over-heels, but has been studied as an actual illness."

Okay, so maybe this lets us off the hook a bit if we are or have been hung up on someone we can't have.. and we're having a hard time thinking straight and being rational?? .... good to know, Lol! ;)



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