Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Where to put our baggage ;)

Over the years we collect possessions, some prized, some outdated and needing to be retired or re-gifted. In kind, our past relationships leave us with emotional belongings, some cherished, some lost, some niggling and unsettled. As the saying goes "the quality of our good-bye's determines the quality of our hello's" and so in pursuit of our highest good, the opportunity is available for us peer into our relationship dynamics of the past.

Relationship and grieving experts tell us to; not judge any experience as right or wrong, be gentle with ourselves and review what we received and did not receive from our past relationships. When we were with these past partners, did they bring love, light and joy into our lives? With the valuable insights gained, may we learn what we need in order to be fulfilled. May we find the capacity to give and receive love in more fulfilling ways. May we learn that love resides solely within us, first and foremost. May we believe that from this warm and nurturing place, the love we desire will find us.

Overcoming past loss and grief can be challening. The brain has a tendency to recycle negative, hurtful statements. Positive and productive affirmations are said to be miracle workers, if we give them a chance. Louise Hay and David Kessler, authors of You can Heal Your Heart, offer these statements for our contemplation:

I forgive myself
I totally release all past experiences
I am so happy to be healing old patterns
I lovingly heal my end in the relationship
I love myself no matter what
Even if I'm scared, I love myself
I am grateful for my life no matter what
I attract relationships that reflect who I am and what I want
Good things are on their way to me

May we feel better about today, all of our tomorrows and our connections with others.



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