Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Negativity and complaining: another form of cancer

So many things go wrong in life and complications are endless. It is very easy, almost natural, to get into the habit of complaining. It can feel better when we talk about stuff and bitching has it's own catharsis for sure. Wise, successful people and help professionals alike, however, will say that this is a trap and can be a veritable black hole.

There are a lot of resources out there saying the same thing - what we think about, is likely what we're going to get. So if we spend too much time thinking about what's gone wrong, what's going to go wrong and we live in this fear/dissatisfaction place, we are probably doomed to see these fears roll out. A spiritual perspective links unhealthy thinking with unhealthy body. Even science admits to the placebo effect: upwards of 35% of patients who believe they are receiving a healing treatment, will greatly improve. In the same way that we're supposed to watch what we eat, we're supposed to watch what we think. The whole "fake it "til you make it" idea may be no joke. There is evidence on smiling- if we smile even when we don't feel like it, our chemistry empirically improves and we miraculously begin to feel better. Maybe a smile a day keeps the doctor away... and the psychiatrist away, Lol;) Worth a shot?



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