Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mixed messages

Searching for answers, fulfillment, happiness can be sooo confusing. There are a million bumper sticker type sayings telling us to throw caution to the wind, feel the fear and do it anyway, don't sweat the small stuff, step through new doors, dance like no one is watching etc. But then we're also supposed to set goals and write things down and focus on what we're trying to achieve and not float endlessly without direction... Whaaaaat? So which is it - plan and think carefully with focus, or live and let live? Maybe all of it... ?

The life coaches out there will say:

* Yes, have goals  - and writing them down and thinking about them is a tested and proven method of seeing our dreams come to fruition.
* In the meantime, live life and enjoy each moment.
* Try to "allow" whatever comes our way and observe without judgment and fear (if possible - not easy to do).. and just be ok with life, as is.

Most importantly... healing professionals will tell us to do as many things as possible to feel good; listen to music, be out in nature, spend time with children, dance, sing, spend time with people we really like and who accept us unconditionally.

Most of all, be nice to ourselves and give ourselves compliments whenever possible! Supposedly, if we think we're wonderful, others will too;)



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