Sunday, November 16, 2014

Going it alone to find "the one"

The roster, the little black book, the online pokes and dates... there are numerous avenues and a few schools of thought on searching for romance. Of course it depends on what kind of excitement we're looking for. It's easier than ever to "hook up" with dating sites and apps that conveniently locate someone right in our area. If we're looking for that special someone and we're ready to commit long term though, apparently the numbers game may not be the ideal approach.

According to the book Finding Your Extraordinary Love, by Corinn Giuntoli, if we maintain a roster, or a line up of "intimate" dating partners, we will attract others who are doing the same. This is said to be a complication and maybe even a hindrance to establishing the relationship/love of our lives. Giutoli says that involuntarily and sort of invisibly, attachments or "cords" form between lovers and this keeps us attached to people we may not actually be that into. So if we really do want to find our ideal match, we may need to go it alone. Being truly "available" is supposedly where it's at;) Easier said than done, I'm sure... but it may be interesting to beta test the theory, if nothing else is working. Just sayin;)



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