Monday, November 24, 2014

Our addictive and obsessive tendencies

Wisdom from Rob Brezsny, The Westender

"We all have addictive and obsessive tendencies. They are fundamental to being human. So the challenge is not to eliminate them - that's not possible - but rather to harness them. If you hope to keep them from dragging you down, you must work hard to channel them into activities that enhance your life. How are you doing on this score? Are you chronically dependent on drugs, gambling, sugar, chaotic relationships? Or are you, instead, hooked on the courage you summon when you face your fears and the willpower you invoke as you free yourself from your limitations? ..."

It's never too late to "upgrade our addictive and obsessive tendencies" and create something different and better in our lives ... no pain, no gain, right;)



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