Saturday, September 12, 2015

The benefits of slacking off ;) ...

According to Megan Jones, Readers Digest, slacking off can make us more productive :) I like it! .... makes me feel less guilty about my need for naps and time outs, Lol.

Taking breaks:
"If you run and don't fuel your body, you eventually collapse... The same thing happens with work. If you don't rest, you'll crash. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking a break from the task at hand can jump-start your brain, boost your motivation and improve your focus. And as recent research shows, more inane distractions can have especially positive effects on our powers of concentration."

Taking naps:
"Having a snooze - even one as short as 10 minutes- can improve alertness, memory and cognitive performance."
Research indicates that the brain does some useful housecleaning in it's downtime, like classifying data and consolidating memories.

The power of cute:
Scrolling through pictures of cute baby animals online is not only good for the soul, but "might benefit your performance." A recent Japanese study showed a 34 % improvement in motor skills for subjects who viewed cute snaps vs a control group who were not shown baby animal photo's.

Browsing online (Facebook!):
Taking a few minutes to read funny little blurbs and updates from friends on Facebook can help your focus! Australian researchers found that workers who spent "20 per cent of their time during the day surfing the Internet were nine per cent more productive than peers who avoided cyberloafing altogether." (Note: more than 20 % surfing and productivity will likely go down).

Letting the mind wander:
They say we need to take a break so our minds can "cool down." Multi-tasking can apparently take it's toll on our mental energy. So! We're supposed to spend time with our heads in the clouds. Works for me, Lol ;)

Happy slacking everyone! ;)



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