Monday, September 21, 2015

Emotional hand cuffs: our "Love Code"...

Some fascinating wisdom from my favourite therapist....

"... even today few children or adolescents make it through their formative years and enter adulthood knowing, trusting, and being able to fully give themselves over to love. And, as a result, our adult love lives become problematic, dysfunctional and even destructive. The heartbreak, cynicism and withdrawal from life that result from broken relationships can shape or, moreover, tragically misshape many lives.

To be able to survive our formative years with an undiminished and unsullied capacity for true and lasting intimacy with another to remain intact, we have to have four emotional conditions met by our caregivers. In childhood - the most defenceless, vulnerable and dependent time of our lives - we had to feel reliably and consistently safe, loved, valued and known. Let's examine these fundamental ingredients more closely now, because their presence or absence in our developing consciousness has determined our Love Code... "

Curious to know more?? Check out

(Ps. good news is, we can reverse a lot of this early damage).



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