Saturday, October 2, 2021

“The quality of your life is in your hands”…

Well for all of us the past 18 months have been a challenge and a journey. In so many ways it has forced us to go much more deeply within to find and develop resources, as the social outlets and structures of our lives were taken away. What an opportunity to know that the only person with whom you are guaranteed to wake up with all the days of your life is you! And that the quality of your life is, for better or worse, in your hands more than in any favourable situations, events, circumstances or relationships.

— Joel Brass, Therapist and seminar leader 

I’ve worked with Joel for many years and his work has profoundly and positively impacted my life. Joel’s seminars gave me the safe space to learn and practice improved communication/conflict resolution/relationship skills (that I did not learn in my upbringing, in school or anywhere else). Joel also gently, respectfully and deftly guided me through and to the other side of old issues and wounds. I’m not gonna lie—it was hard, but it was worth it. I don’t believe I would have found the love of my life without him. Thanks to Joel’s work, I have achieved a beautiful, trusted relationship that I know how to take proper care of. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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