Monday, October 11, 2021

Nothing left in the tank…

If you’re like me, you’re emotionally fried from the last 18 months. Whether you’re doing “okay” or barely holding on, I’m sure most days you feel just as mentally exhausted, on edge, and uninspired as the rest of us.

Keeping calm and carrying on is not working.

You can’t keep going when there’s nothing left in the tank. You need to find another tank or fill up the one you’ve got…

When the world feels upside down like it does right now, you need to become your own lifeline…

You need to know — I mean really know — that you can get through whatever happens next. You need to see how to get through the overwhelm and stress. And more importantly, you need to learn how to up your resilience and double down on optimism. 

— Mel Robbins (Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author and investor)

I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel better to hear that others are feeling exhausted, on edge and uninspired as well. 18 months, and counting, is a very long time to keep adapting and pivoting… and companies aren’t necessarily approaching this pandemic with compassion, empathy and generosity. Then you have the whole vaccine/anti-vax tension, potentially within your close circles. No wonder we’re spent. Personally, I think we’ve all probably done an amazing job of coping, considering what’s been coming at us. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and hang in there. XO



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