Friday, October 1, 2021

Covid fatigue and decision fatigue…

Choosing Is Tiring

“Even if you’ve never heard of decision fatigue, you have probably experienced it, especially during the pandemic, which has added a new layer of complexity to the every day choices we face. ‘There’s no aspect of the pandemic that has not thrown decisions at us that we haven’t had to make before’ says psychologist Barry Schwarz, a visiting professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley and author of The Paradox of Choice. ‘Things that used to require no thought or effort now require a lot of planning. In the COVID world, so much is uncertain — we haven’t had to practice making decisions under these circumstances.’” 

— Stacey Colino, The Washington Post

I felt so much better reading this article. I’ve been suuuuuper frustrated lately because even the smallest of tasks/errands often seems impossible to accomplish, or at the very least takes three times longer than normal. Stores have shortened hours of operation and the online information is often wrong. So you go to the store only to find out it’s not open until noon on a week day. Say what?! Then when you finally get there at the new time, the item you need is out of stock. It goes on and on. Exhausting. I think I need to work on my sense of humour and remember to expect the unexpected during this unprecedented time that we’re all living through. Just sayin’ ;) Hang in there everybody! Hugs. XO



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