Sunday, October 31, 2021

Giving ourselves a break…

All good vacations have one ingredient in common: they make our unrelenting responsibilities and schedules stop for a little while, so we can rest without being harassed by our own commitments. The same idea applies to the responsibility of being you. The energy required to maintain your identity is probably greater than you realize, and finding a way to relinquish it regularly can help you recharge. 

— Arthur C. Brooks, The Atlantic 

I feel more relaxed just thinking about taking a break. Actually, my partner and I are jetting off on a beach get away shortly. I don’t think I suffer clinically from SADS, but I know that sunshine and warmth are critical for my health and well being. What can I say, I’m allergic to winter, Lol. The dark, grey dampness of fall/winter/early spring is relentless. We’ll be safe as possible, while soaking up the warm sun and frolicking in the green, blue ocean. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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