Sunday, October 10, 2021

The ability to accept reality…

The ability to accept reality is one of the most useful, and most misunderstood, skills for a leader. It’s a concept that’s been around for centuries in philosophy and more recently in psychology, and properly applied can help drive change. As Carl Jung wrote, “we cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.” …

Susan David, author of Emotional Agility, notes the importance of giving up control of what you never had control over to begin with, and making room for your emotional reaction without acting on every thought or negative feeling. She writes, “We see leaders stumble not because they have undesirable thoughts and feelings — that’s inevitable — but because they get hooked by them, like fish caught on a line… In our complex, fast-changing knowledge economy, the ability to manage ones thoughts and feelings is essential to business success.

— from Good Leaders Know You Can’t Fight Reality by Scott Edinger

I wonder which reality we struggle to accept in our personal lives? I’ve heard a lot of people say “I really thought I’d be further ahead by this age” (including yours truly, Lol), or “I thought I’d be married with kids by now.” I gotta hand it to my brother. He was having way too much fun playing the field and enjoying his single freedoms until he hit 39 and then declared to me over dinner one night “You know what, I actually do want to get married and have a family.” We all thought he’d be a bachelor forever, but within a year he was married with a kid on the way. You go boy. If he can do “it” I’m sure we can too… whatever “it” is for us. For me, it’s a certain level of financial freedom. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO 



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