Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Argue better with receptiveness…

Argue better by signalling your receptiveness with these words

While disagreement might be inevitable, there are ways you can take control to avoid escalation and bring out the best in you and the other person… the choices we make within a conversation also matter a lot… there are word choices you can make that will help maintain the relationship, increase your own persuasiveness, and learn more about the other person’s point of view. 

Actively acknowledge the other’s perspective using terms such as “I understand that…”

Affirm the other person’s views by highlighting areas of agreement, no matter how small or obvious

Hedge your claims: say “I think it’s possible rather than “This will happen because…”

Phrases your arguments in positive rather than negative terms. Say “I think it’s helpful to maintain social distance” rather than “You should not be socializing right now.”

— excerpt from Michael Yeomans article in Psyche (Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Imperial College Business School in London) 

My boyfriend and I have committed to this style of communication, as we find it to be very respectful, nurturing and kind to ourselves, each other and our relationship. It’s worth trying, right? Nothing to lose anyhow. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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