Wednesday, October 13, 2021

“Hustle culture is so 2020”…

I feel guilty and ashamed admitting this…

But here goes…

This is the most amount of time I’ve taken off in 7 years.

I’ve glamorized hustle culture, I’ve bought into the “contrepreneur” lifestyle of working endlessly depicted on social media.

This week has been one of the most amazing weeks of my life. 

I’ve been up until the early morning hours helping with our newborn son and trying to give my wife a break. 

I’ve become infinitely closer to my daughter. We’ve gone on little walks, enjoyed morning game times, and enjoyed little daddy-daughter dates.

The biggest realization I’ve had is how precious life is and how we can rob ourselves of what life is really about when we focus on trying to keep up with what we see on social medial.

I’m off for the next few weeks and am extremely thankful I’m able to enjoy life!

I’ll always work hard and believe in putting in the time, but I’ve learned there’s always a balance in life. 

Have a great weekend.

Unplug and enjoy life if you can.

Joel and Evie

(Ps. Yes, my house is messy. I’m a real person) 

— Joel Lalgee, Recruiting expert, Podcaster and Founder at Head Hunter Media (Ps. this post went viral on LinkedIn) 

Well said Joel. It seems that so many of us are having this sort of awakening right now. The Pandemic has given us pause for thought, hasn’t it. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and all the best to you! XO



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