Sunday, August 16, 2015

In the moment...

A lot of books and helping professionals talk about the importance of being "in the moment." Yoga and meditation can help a lot. I think there's something to be said for this whole school of thought. I started paying attention to "the moment" in a big way after reading A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle. I still find myself looking back, or checking my calendar and stressing about everything I need to do in the coming weeks. Then, thank God, I remember to put the dates away and come back to right now. What am I doing right this minute? Am I under any pressure right now? Nope :) E. Tolle talks about chronological time vs psychological (emotionally charged) time. If we're merely scheduling events, no problem. If we're finding ourselves lost in negative emotions over the past or fears about the future, not so good. I'm gonna stick with this gauge... because stress truly is a buzz kill ;) Hugs.



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