Saturday, August 8, 2015


We've all been through stuff in our lives. We know how it feels to be in a tough spot, or to be on the shitty end of bad circumstances. Sometimes the challenges are ongoing and we have to persevere beyond the fumes. We're running the proverbial marathon and we wonder when things are going to ease up. Then they do and it's a holy cow. Freedom from plaguing issues (bad relationship, nasty boss, money problems etc.) is a revelation. You almost have to pinch yourself because you can't believe life's gotten so much better. There will always be the general ups and downs in life, but I'm talking about overcoming the real tough and relentless stuff. On the other side of times like this.... gratitude. More gratitude than I could have imagined, personally. I think I've said this before, but, wow, there's more love to go around. The most challenging times of my life have kinda cracked me wide open and I notice a lot of love in general. I am clearly aware of what is good in my life and I am eternally grateful. Most of all, I am grateful that I feel comfortable in my own skin and that I am truly happy with the life I've created for myself. There is big freedom in knowing what feels good, what doesn't - and going in the direction of what feels good. Simple. Hugs.



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