Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Behind the eight ball...

I'm gonna get real personal here... because I think it's important and meaningful to connect with others and share our experiences. I think we can learn a lot from each other and it helps us feel connected and not alone. Right? Well, that's how I feel anyway. So, here's the thing.... I've been realizing a lot lately that my earlier years put me behind the eight ball in a big way. I'm not gonna feel sorry for myself because we've all got a story. We've all had our challenges and sorrows and we do our best anyway. What I'm saying though is that if we've come from a less than supportive environment, it can really stick. I have found myself in too many relationships that didn't make me feel very good, but somehow I didn't realize it. I don't mind saying that I am hugely relieved to have figured this one out. Finally! Wow, slow learner or what;) It's never too late to make great choices and find real happiness. Just sayin;) Hugs.



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