Thursday, January 27, 2022

“The universal desire to be known”…

I have been at my craft or art or calling of being a guide to others in matters of the heart going on 38 years in April. I have worked with a great many folks. Though we humans can vary greatly on a great many things, I can say with complete confidence that there is one single trait and yearning which every client with whom I have walked a while has demonstrated — the primal and universal desire to be known.

But here’s the catch: to be known, to be soulfully seen, to be deeply heard — to become intimate and know the experience of the collapse of duality and being absorbed in our shared being — requires that you be vulnerable. And oh so many of us have come to believe that to know our vulnerabilities, worse yet, to show them to another, is a shameful display of weakness and ineptitude. 

The main piece of this newsletter focuses on this ongoing and frustrating conflict within us: Vulnerability: our Greatest Need and Our Greatest Fear. My hope is that it illuminates and supports you to enhance your courage and comfort in revealing your truths to another.

— Joel Brass, private/couples/family therapist and seminar leader 

Welcome to my favourite therapist, who I owe my perfect (even when it’s not perfect) relationship to. Joel not only helped me heal my cracked emotional foundation (largely due to unresolved issues from my unsettling upbringing, and resulting lack of trust and comfort in relationships), but also helped me cultivate key problem solving communication and relationship skills. Without this “work” I would likely be, unsuccessfully, trying to find a great life partner and dancing back and forth between wanting love and intimacy and being afraid of being that close to someone (because you can really get hurt). If you’re interested in reading Joels’ brilliant newsletter (s), check out This was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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