Friday, January 7, 2022

A thought provoking examination of betrayal…

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

— Unknown

I think the hardest lesson I’ve learned is that some of the gut wrenching betrayals in my life point the finger back at me. Further to my last quote, I neglected to properly address situations that were not aligned with my needs, desires and values; I stayed too long in a relationship that was a mismatch for me (there were a couple of serious deal breakers that I’m still surprised I ignored) and I delayed leaving a very draining and unfulfilling job because the pay was good and well, it just sucks looking for a new position, interviewing etc. So, in truth, I would say that I betrayed myself before long before anyone I trusted betrayed me. I personally think that’s a very adult and courageous position to take. Frankly, it’s a freeing and empowering mind set and I’ve manifested some big dreams as a result. I can’t take full credit, as I had help from some very savvy coaches. What I will take credit for is being coachable, wanting to evolve and being committed to bringing even more joy, meaning and abundance into my life. Just sayin’ : ) Hugs. XO



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