Friday, January 14, 2022

Attachment or love?…

Try not to confuse attachment with love. 

Attachment is about fear and dependency, and has more to do with love of self than love of another. Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn’t about what others can give you because you’re empty. It is about what you can give others because you’re already full.

—Yasmin Mogahed (University of Wisconsin - Madison graduate with a BSc in psychology and Master’s in journalism and mass communications. Mogahed is an American educator, author and international motivational speaker, known for her gift of captivating an entire audience with her thoughts and insightful reflections. Mogahed is a specialist in spirituality, psychology, and personal development. She is the first female instructor at the AIMaghrib Institute. She has also written columns for the Huffington Post).  

If I could go back in time, I would say exactly that to my younger self. Coming from a tough love upbringing, there was a shortage of loving affection and supportive words. My parents were uber-focused on preparing us for the tough world out there, which I can understand logically, but in the end it left me with a pretty big vulnerability. I was smart enough to have confidence in my abilities, but it was the love/relationship side of things that took the hit. It took me years of therapy and life coaching to tackle this Achilles heal. My favourite therapist diagnosed my relationship issues (2 divorces) as a “love-ability issue.” In time, I repaired the cracked emotional foundation and all is right with the world. I met the love of my life and couldn’t be happier. I absolutely know that the success of our relationship has everything to do with each of us having a strong sense of self and self caring. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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