Thursday, January 6, 2022

Doesn’t excuse their behaviour…

Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behaviour.

Forgiveness prevents their behaviour from destroying your heart.

— Unknown

I like the re-framing of this perspective. It’s interesting how a slightly different vantage point can shift the energy and emotion. In truth though, I’m still working on the bad taste in my mouth concerning a couple of people/experiences in my life. I like to think; what they did was about them and not me, that person is no longer in my life, I’ve learned from the experience and I do have some responsibility in what happened (I stayed too long in a job that wasn’t aligned with my values and things ended badly/I stayed in a relationship that was not well-suited and things ended badly). My biggest take away is that I need to be completely honest with myself and then act in my best interest much sooner, even if change may be painful, expensive and up-rooting. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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