Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Chemistry and sex aren’t enough…

Chemistry and sex aren’t enough to build a long lasting relationship. They make for a wonderful affair, but not for the long term? There’s so much more to it than that. I finally realized that a solid relationship isn’t between two people who share interests, it’s between two people who share priorities. Get that figured out before you give your heart away.

— Unknown

Well that explains marriage number one (shared interests) and marriage number two (chemistry). Yeah, I learned this lesson the hard way. I went on to have another serious relationship, thinking I finally had it right, with shared interests and some chemistry. But in the end, that relationship was fair to middling across the board. And actually, there were deal breakers I was ignoring. Fortunately, I took a time out, went back to the drawing board, put a serious list together (how I wanted to feel in my well-matched relationship, what kind of life I wanted to share with this person etc.). My relationship re-set was a success because I found the perfect life partner (going on 7 years now). Just sayin’ :) Good luck! Hugs. XO



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