Friday, October 2, 2015

The waiting...

I think I've written about waiting before, but I may revisit this particular topic over and over again because it's my Achilles heel... well, one of them anyway, Lol ;) We all have a few, don't we. I've never been good at waiting. I tend to fly through life, head first, always in a hurry. I've been notoriously fast at completing activities, be them school exams, work projects, cleaning, what have you. This has been both a claim to fame and a weakness all at the same time. The most embarrassing and noticeable hint of this personal differentiator is the klutziness that comes along with it. Spend enough time around me and I'm going to spill my wine or coffee on you, or I'll trip and almost fall - because all my sports and yoga over the years have given me excellent balance, Lol ;) So! What of it? Let's all agree that life does not deliver all of our wants and needs on a silver platter, like yesterday, so wait we must. Where does this leave me? Well, crawling out of my skin at times, while pretending I am very zen and cool all the time, ha ha. Seriously though, I have actually learned some patience over the years. I read a great article that addressed this topic. The writer talked about a paradigm shift she had around crawling in traffic while in a huge hurry or going through the motions of flying with the never ending and annoying hurry up and wait cattle call. The writer's paradigm went something like this - hey, I can see traffic and line ups as a complete waste of my time or I can do something excellent and productive with these minutes. I can choose to see this time as a bonus or a big freebie, where my boss isn't breathing down my neck and I'm not actually required to talk to anyone or do anything at all - I can daydream about something wonderful, plan a great trip in my head, talk on the phone to someone I haven't seen in a while, play a game on my computer?? Most importantly, I can totally tune out and find some precious, slow and quiet me-time, something a lot of us lack in life, right? I've tried this and it actually works :) One of my favourites is when I'm ready early (as usual, because I'm chronically on time) and I complete an activity I hate, like any sort of paperwork or dusting. It's totally awesome to tick that box at a time when I would normally feel impatient, waiting for each second to tick by and wondering why in the hell I'm so intent on ending up early for every damn thing. I might need to look at that, Lol ;)



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