Monday, January 26, 2015

Weakness vs vulnerability

Are we apprehensive about being completely honest, open and up front in our lives? Do we feel that in so doing, we will expose embarrassing weakness and insecurity? In our culture, the idea of being vulnerable is generally associated with being fearful, anxious and weak. However! vulnerability, if we let it, may allow us to live life as fully as possible, experiencing all of our emotions, all of our thoughts and all of our ideas. If we are willing, we may just find a new lease on life. Here's what they say... :)

In life we build defences against interpersonal pain, separation anxiety and existential fears. When we've been damaged, we tend to create defensive and protective mechanisms and unknowingly end up blocking a lot of our potential. The very defences that once protected us as children, and were appropriate to our emotional survival, can greatly limit our life experience as adults. Allowing vulnerability may actually encourage us to live without defence, or minimal defence, and give us the strength to take chances and go after everything we believe in and deeply desire. Being vulnerable means taking a chance on life and taking chances with people - investing fully in people and investing our trust in others... choosing to adopt and live the philosophy that "it's better to love and lose than to never love at all." According to experts, by leading an open, honest life and taking chances, we're more likely to succeed in meeting our goals anyway. Maybe what we don't realize is that we can afford to love and be rejected. We may be stronger than we give ourselves credit for ;) We may not need to be as guarded because we can survive. We are capable of pursuing our goals, wants, and intentions and we may actually be capable of dealing with any potential consequences on a feeling level... some of which may be frightening and painful, but some of which will surely be joyful and exciting. If we choose to let our guard down, we may find that we cope with life even more effectively. In being vulnerable, we are supposed to ask for what we want clearly and directly and turn to others appropriately, rather than aiming to be completely self-sufficient.. and being generous in response to what others need as well. Being vulnerable means being willing to be hurt by either asking for or giving affection - even though our affections and/or love may not be received well. In summary, vulnerability gives us the gift of owning ourselves and not getting hooked on other people's judgments or attempts to manipulate us. Being vulnerable connects us with others and opens us up to love, joy, creativity and empathy. When we can do all of this, we may see that vulnerability is the opposite of weak because vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage (Excerpts from Creating a More Meaningful Life, by Robert Firestone, Ph.D. and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown). Hugs.



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