Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Angst - is it us;) Lol

There's a whole lot of angst out there. If we're honest, I think we all feel angst in life - maybe not all the time, but probably more than we'd like to admit. The big question is?? Is this simply the human condition? Or is there something we need to look at? I don't think anyone really likes this idea. It sucks to think we could be  responsible for any of the crap in our lives. Most people resist the hell out of the notion and for good reason - there isn't much we can control in life, so how the heck can we be responsible for the s--- that we end up having to deal with??? Seriously, Lol;)?! However! There may be two thoughts on the matter worth considering ...

The Course in Miracles teaches that although we ARE victimized at times in life, if we allow ourselves to settle into that thinking, we will leave ourselves in a position of being unable to change our lives, even when we want to or need to... we can also be at risk for giving away any amount of control or impact that we can have on our lives... and the other thing is... if we can handle the idea of being responsible for our own happiness and fate in life (even in the tiniest of ways), there's some hope that we can start creating some great stuff. If we are not completely fulfilled and if we find ourselves frustrated and lacking in motivation and/or inspiration, we just may benefit from going on an adventure - the adventure of our inner selves... and in simple terms, what we like, what we don't like, what we enjoy doing, what we don't enjoy doing... some of the most impressive careers have originated from people who started out doing something they liked doing or discovered they were good at (i.e. Apple God Steve Jobs to name one!!) ... which also builds our sense of self and level of confidence. (For more on this, check out Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, The Purpose of Your Life, Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow). Hugs.



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