Monday, April 1, 2024

Wake up one day and be unbothered…

Growth is crazy. You literally wake up one day and be unbothered by the stuff that used to bother you. 

Keep going, keep growing.

— Unknown

I learned a lot about being “triggered” from therapy and weekend relationship workshops. Apparently, when we have overblown reactions, a small portion of that response is due to the moment at hand, and the bigger portion stems from earlier childhood experiences. For example, in my world, I used to react badly to being micro-managed, or being heavily scrutinized. I felt my intelligence was being insulted, and I know this comes from my father’s tendency to judge and withhold approval. His patented response was “You’re completely missing the point.” Fortunately, I’ve been able to heal and evolve. I now look for opportunities to learn, and be curious, rather than being immediately insulted. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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