Thursday, April 4, 2024

Start romaticizing your life…

You gotta start romanticizing your life. 

You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, and that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new.

You have to, because that’s when you start truly living. That’s when you look forward to every day.

— Unknown

Ok, I’ll give this some serious consideration. To this point, some days are better than others. If the sun’s out and the sky’s blue, no problem. If it’s damp, dark and grey, not so much, Lol. And then there are days with niggling health issues, unexpected bills, or a micro-manage’y work directive. I’m not a moody person, but some days, ugh. However, I do want to embrace life, particularly the special people around me. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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