Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Impact of toxic relationship on kids…

Your kids watching you in a toxic relationship does more damage than being a single parent.

— Unknown 

I can speak from experience on this one. My parents fought cats and dogs my whole life, and frankly, I thought someone could end up dead. For example, Mom dropped a typewriter off the balcony and narrowly missed Dad’s head. He just looked up and said “Crazy b- - tch”. I mean, yikes, right?. My favourite therapist explained that what I witnessed was what love is not, rather than what love is. And so I did not learn how to have a healthy, adult relationship. I witness arguments, but not a whole lot of helpful discussions leading to resolution. I also learned to be afraid of anger, because bad things happened in our house when people started yelling. With professional help, I have learned to embrace all of the emotions, which my therapist tells me are critical in taking care of ourselves and having successful relationships. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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