Thursday, April 25, 2024

Underrated Turn-ons…

  • When actions and words align
  • Feeling safe in someone’s energy
  • Having your emotional needs attended to
  • The willingness to have hard conversations 
  • Engaging in emotional & intellectual foreplay
  • Awareness of their own red flags & toxic behaviours
  • Setting their own boundaries and respecting yours
  • The ability to not make everything a “thing”
  • Expressing a need and hearing, “I got you.”
  • The willingness to try new things
  • Making each other laugh
— @drelizabethfedrick

I needed to learn a few things in order to have a healthy relationship. I grew up around a lot of yelling and not much listening or resolution, so productive, respectful conversations were not modelled. Fortunately, I invested the time and resources into learning how to have the kinds of hard conversations that can achieve amicable outcomes. It does take two though. Not every dynamic allows for compassionate and respectful communication. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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