Saturday, April 27, 2024

Come to an understanding…

I don’t wanna “win” the argument or feel “right”. That’s not the point nor my objective. I wanna feel like we’ve come to an understanding on the issue at hand. I want both of us to walk away feeling heard and understood. 

It’s not a competition.

— Unknown

In my younger days, I often reacted defensively when questioned or challenged. My father ruled with an iron fist and there wasn’t a whole lot of room for two way discussion. In fact, his favourite saying was “You’re completely missing the point”, which created a hot button around my intelligence being insulted. Fortunately, with counselling, I was able to resolve the old baggage and live in the moment in my relationships and at work. I’m able to remain open, with curiosity and the intent to learn. This has worked wonders in all aspects of my life. And I continue to pick up new and helpful tips in life. It’s pretty cool. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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