Sunday, April 14, 2024

Heal your dysfunction?…

I hate when people say “if you love me you’ll accept me as I am.”

Child, bye. Loving you doesn’t mean tolerating your refusal to develop emotional intelligence and heal your dysfunction. 

If you loved you, you would do the work so people who love you don’t feel forced to walk away.

— Unknown

I just wanted things to get better in my family of origin. I would have loved to see my parents learn  healthier ways of managing their relationship. Instead, my father remained angry, my mother remained depressed, and then my Dad died early at 59. My mother lived another 24 years, still mostly angry with my father. The Groundhog Day of it all just drives me crazy. The silver lining is that I made the commitment to learn healthier relationship skills. Best decision of my life, without a doubt. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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