Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The people I want on my journey…

The people I want on my growth journey are the ones who are happy in their own lane.

No judgment, guilt tripping or blame - but focusing on being the best version of themselves and celebrating others trying to do the same. 

— Unknown 

I came to realize that there’s a match factor with friends and acquaintances as well, beyond the primary, romantic love match. I can see the deal breakers in some of my past friendships, but 20 or 30 years of history had me sentimental. I also hate the idea of throwing the baby out with the bath water because there are wonderful things about these individuals. And frankly, I miss them, which explains the hesitation to part ways. But I had to mind my mental health and well being, above all. I do find life more relaxing and peaceful, so I know the changes were necessary. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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