Tuesday, February 6, 2024

What’s important to you…

  • I’ve seen people workout at 4 a.m. before working two jobs  
  • I’ve known introverts who became great communicators when an important relationship needed it
  • I’ve seen people who weren’t “ready” suddenly commit to the right person
People give effort to what’s important to them.

— Unknown 

My life improved immensely when I, finally, prioritized my well own being, over a romantic relationship. After a particularly bad ending, I thought never again. No more break ups. I took a time out, and with professional help, sorted out the vision for my ideal life partner. Most importantly, I renewed several commitments to me; work a little harder each day in career (to maximize fulfillment and financial security), respect my mental/emotional health and say no when needed (because duty and obligation can be exhausting), be more discriminating in friendships/social time (because we only have so much free time and energy), spend less, and save more. There you go. Complete and total life make over, and pretty much hit bullseyes across the board. I met the easiest, most perfect love of my life (even when things aren’t perfect), I have more financial freedom than I could have imagined, and I’ve hit a new level in my career. Admittedly, I’m still working on some friend/social/family stuff, given the emotional complexity of long standing history. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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