Saturday, February 24, 2024

Normal in relationships…

  • Different love languages. Them not showing love the way you do does not mean they do not love you.
  • Not always talking. Quiet time is completely fine. 
  • Not knowing what you want sometimes.
  • Not always communicating and texting via phone.
  • Relationships changing as you change and grow as a person.
  • Being grossed out by something your parnter does.
  • Your parnter not being obligated to fulfill every single need of yours.
  • Not having a lot of similar interests (movies/music/activities).
  • Differences in opinions and viewpoints.
  • Having boundaries (around space, touch, words)
  • Feeling bored at times.
  • Not feeling attracted to your partner 100% of the time.
— Nawal Moustafa, MA., Insta: thebraincoach (Clinical Neuropsychology Ph.D. Candidate)

When I was younger, I absolutely looked for a partner to meet most of my needs; to provide comfort, safety, support, security, romance, companionship, affection, acceptance, and on and on. Fortunately, my second husband basically sent me to therapy to address my baggage (upbringing wounds and ongoing family toxicity) because he felt these challenges were hindering my ability to be emotionally grounded enough to be in a healthy relationship. He was 100% right. Thank you ex-husband for leading me down the path of emotional stability, self-assurance and fulfillment . Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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