Monday, September 5, 2022

When you complain…

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.

— Eckhart Tolle 

I was exposed to the “victim mentality” from a savvy life coach some years ago. And still, I struggled to leave a relationship that was, sadly, winding down. We were going in different directions and the match was less than ideal. But I wasn’t sure if I should work on the relationship (“change the situation”), before giving up on it. This was the healthiest and nicest relationship I’d been in, so although it wasn’t perfect, I worried that I’d end up in something different, but not better. Unfortunately, my partner found his perfect mate in the middle of our troubled time and we ended up having a very yucky ending. Around the same time, I dragged my heels on leaving a bad job, and that one bit me in the butt too. I did learn how to be more proactive though, Lol. I left a subsequent stifling corporate culture and landed my dream job. I was crystal clear on what I wanted; specific pay range, certain type of boss, aligned company values. I got exactly what I wanted and then some. I was also able to figure out the particular qualities/lifestyle/values I needed for my ideal match and landed the perfect partner as well. So there you go. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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