Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Cleansing mantra…

I wash away any energy that is not mine to carry. I release myself from the burdens of the past. I nourish myself in a comforting golden light. 

I am restored.

I am recharged.

— Unknown 

I began working with a “Body Talk” practitioner a bunch of years ago. I originally began seeing this person because I ran out of options within the traditional and naturopathic health care systems, includingTraditional Chinese Medicine (herbs and/or acupuncture). I’ve had stomach aches and digestive issues my entire life and I was just sick of it. So I asked around and a very non-traditional coach recommended Body Talk. I figured I had nothing to lose. On the first session the practitioner told me that I essentially suffered from anxious tummy and she could help. It was all a leap of faith, because it’s not exactly clear to me how it works. I now regularly see a Body Talk/Craniosacaral practitioner and, honestly, this is the only thing that’s helped my system work properly. Of course I exercise and eat a pretty clean diet (minimal dairy, sugar, wheat) and drink a fairly healthy/social amount. But nothing seems to work as well as a regular energy shape-up, if you will. Coming back to the how does it work question? Well, apparently this sort of practice helps restore our natural energy balance (people can leave us with some of their potential toxic energy and rob us of some of our healthy energy/life force, and this lands badly on our bodies and overall physical and mental health. There’s also old stuff that can linger and wreak havoc with our state of mind and health as well). Anyhoo, this new solution has been a God send for me! Just sayin’ : ) Hugs. XO



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