Sunday, September 15, 2019

Just around the bend...

You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live, you learn.
You’re human, not perfect.
You’ve been hurt, but you’re alive.
Think of what a privilege it is to be alive -
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to chase the things you love.
Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but there is also lots of beauty.
We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we hurt,
for we will never know what is waiting for us just around the bend.

— Unknown

My favourite therapist says that life just simply isn’t sunny and sunnier. He says we’re going to feel all of the emotions and that’s okay because our emotions can help steer us in the right direction for our own health and well being. (Ps. Personally, I still don’t like feeling the negative emotions, but I’ve observed how my anger and upset can ignite me when I really need to take action). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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