Friday, March 1, 2024

Discipline a form of self love..

Discipline is one of the highest forms of Self Love. It is quite literally telling yourself that you will delay instant gratification and comfort for better things to come in the future. A lot of people see self love as spa baths and fancy coffe, but true self love is how you manage yourself in the face of adversity. How you talk to yourself and what you are willing to do to create the version of yourself that you can admire the most. True self love is hard. It is the hardest yet most rewarding thing you can ever do. It is something that is earned day in and day out.

— Unknown 

I can’t take full credit for my self love transformation. Life crashed on my head and I had some decisions to make. I faced near bankruptcy post-2008 financial crisis, as jobs in my profession were scarce and the few available positions were paying half the usual rate. I also suffered a very humiliating break up, which sent me down a very introspective journey. Would I ever wanna go through all that again? Hell, NO. But these foundation altering times were a blessing in disguise. I will give myself credit for doing the healing work necessary to be find a healthy and fulfilling relationship. I will also give myself credit for upping my career game. I found a way to become indispensable, by setting the highest standards possible; higher work ethic than I had ever aspired to, and setting the intention to achieve top producer (at least one of) every year. It’s been ten years and I am in the perfect, lucrative job and I’m happily in love with my ideal partner of 9 years. Life is sweet when you take proper care of yourself. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO




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