Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The real love story is you and you…

The real love story was always you and you. It was how you walked alone and learned what you needed to carry. It was how you began to see through your own eyes, and not someone else’s. It was how you began to dig joy out from beneath your cynicism, how you slowly built your desires into form. It was how you learned what you like and don’t, and what you came here to be. The real love story was always how you opened your heart to yourself. 

— Brianna Wiest 

My favourite therapist equates our soulmate search with looking for a plug and socket fit. Problem is, he says, we need to settle comfortably into ourselves first. I must admit, I wasn’t keen on this whole “go inward” and “love yourself first” thing when I was younger. I wanted companionship and romance, and didn’t necessarily believe in the heal yourself first, then consider romance deal. But he was right. The more healing work I’ve done, the more I’ve learned about my needs, wants, must have’s and deal breakers. Interestingly enough, the stronger I’ve become, the less I’ve needed my perfect partner to console and comfort me. So we get to hang out, have fun and walk through life together, without the burden of needing to be everything to each other. Refreshing. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO 



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