Monday, March 4, 2024

Avoiding situations that bring out the worst…

I can’t afford any more situations in my life that bring out the worst in me. It’s exhausting and requires too much for me to recover from. I need calmness and gentleness in my life. Anything outside of that I don’t have the capacity for it. 

— Unknown 

I can relate. When I look back, I see glaring incompatibilities with all of my significant partners. 20-20 vision, right? I had to learn the difference between healthy compromise, and unrealistic, unsustainable mismatches. Once I sorted out my can’t live withs (hard deal breakers, such as chronic extreme lateness and messiness) and can’t live withouts (like warmth and affection for example), I found my perfect life partner and best friend. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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