Monday, November 8, 2021

The issue of time…

The trouble is, you think you have time.

— Buddha

Two things come to mind; my father passing away unexpectedly at 59 and planning for retirement. My father became ill and then six months later he was gone. I spent altogether too much time being angry with him. I had good reason, no question, and yet, I would give anything to go back in time and have at least a few more conversations. I’m determined to do it differently with my mother and so I’ve had many, many conversations, trying to understand her better and hopefully achieve some resolution while she’s here. I really didn’t think I’d have regrets around my father because he was terrifying to me (kind of like Al Pacino in Godfather Part 2, only more loudly menacing), but the bad has melted away quite a bit and I remember the positive impact he’s had on my life. As far as retirement - well, this has always seemed sooooo far away to me and I’ve absolutely had every confidence in myself and my ability to achieve financial security. Then the financial crisis of 2008 happened and sh- -! Now I’m playing catch up and retirement is uncomfortably close. I still have time, and now a I have a huge sense of urgency because I know how time closes in. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO 



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