Tuesday, November 2, 2021

“Greatness Is a Team Sport”…

After almost two years of pandemic conversations with my teammates and our clients, I’ve noticed a common thread: in our anxiety and loneliness of going it alone while stuck in our homes, we may have lost sight of the greatest amplifier of our potential…

We almost always rise to the highest level of our own capability when we are challenged by others and buoyed by a shared goal… 

Something powerful happens when you land in a truly impressive team… it fires up your almost magic drive, helping you work harder, take more risks, and push through the barriers that would normally stop you in your tracks…

It may in fact be that the key to reaching your highest potential is finding the team that will inspire a level of personal performance you didn’t even know you had inside of you.

— Sarah Robb O’Hagan, CEO at Exos

Hmmm. Super interesting and food for thought. I’ll have to see where I can focus on team in my world. I have a feeling fulfillment may go hand in hand with the sense of team and belonging. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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