Friday, July 23, 2021

What if…

What if all this time, all this struggle, has been leading you to a beautiful chapter in your life? 

What if everything does work out, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now? 

What if who I become is who I needed all along? 

What if all of this hard work leads to amazing things? 

What if you replaced negativity with optimism? 

Would your thoughts and behavior change too? I believe so.


The hardest time in my life (job loss around 2008 financial crisis and then zero jobs available for a couple of years) transformed me and my life. I went from near bankruptcy to my highest paying, dream job. What can I say, fear of the unexpected, fear of being replaced, fear of the power of corporations drove me to become indispensable, or at least valued enough to be blessed with raises, perks and lots of bonus. I became a better self and this also led to the love of my life. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck! XO



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