Friday, July 16, 2021

Try again. Fail better…

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

— Samuel Beckett (Irish novelist, playwright, theatre director, poet. He is considered one of the last modernest writers, and one of the key figures in what is called the “Theatre of the Absurd”. His best known work is his 1953 play Waiting for Godot). 

Continuing on with the whole “do it” rather than worry about “perfection” theme… I guess it all depends on whether we want to just try something, or we want to become proficient. Becoming proficient obviously requires a learning curve phase (and being bad at it, Lol) and a certain amount of time. I don’t mind admitting that I hate sucking at something, even when I know it’s totally expected during the learning curve, Lol ;)  Just sayin’! Hugs. XO




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