Monday, July 12, 2021

“I’m doing it for me”…

“I’m saying no… when I used to say yes, to protect my peace.

I’m choosing to put my goals at the top of my priorities, because I deserve to reach them.

I’m starting to trust myself every day as I am keeping the promises I make to myself.

I am no longer allowing others to control my emotions and actions, and this may mean ending       relationships.

 I hope you know this has nothing to do with you or anyone else, but that I need to do this for me.”


My favourite therapist advises against blind duty and obligation, as this may compromise our own happiness and well being. Having said that, he says if we choose to give our time and energy to someone, after thoughtful consideration, fair enough. I know for me, when it comes to family, I can only say no so many times and then it just doesn’t feel right. I still check in with myself though, because I know certain obligations end up getting me down (just can’t shake some of the old family dynamic). It’s a balancing act that’s for sure. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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