Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The power of our own resilience...

Many people throughout their lives encounter adversity that doesn’t go their way or is unexpected, and when people successfully navigate these new life adversities, they are likely to learn things about themselves they didn’t realize. This is not to diminish the very real feelings of disappointment and angst we all experience after a setback — especially when we’ve invested emotional and financial resources. But if we can approach our failed plans with a sense of our own resilience, we’re better able to overcome these challenges.

— Dr Roxane Cohen Silver (Professor of psychological science, medicine and public health at the University of California, Irvine). 

I had a huge set back post 2008 financial crisis and it went on for years. My morning coffee and writing routine, plus daily exercise, helped with a sense of normalcy and hope. I got through it and although it took years to recover financially, I know that I can count on my inner reserves, whatever life brings. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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