Sunday, September 13, 2020

Embracing the unknowable...

 I do not accomplish my freedom. I did not make myself. I do not exist by my own means. Rather, I depend on the freedom of others and the complex makings of a fragile world. Only because our lives are contingent and vulnerable can we experience love, freedom, and purpose as something meaningful.

— Karl Jaspers (Author of Psychology of Worldviews, 1919. One of the very few existentialist thinkers who did not seek to master, tame or conquer the unknowable. Instead he tried to cultivate a relationship to this essential quality of life and engage it on his own terms).

I was raised Catholic and although I didn’t manage to connect with all of the teachings, I loved the foundation of values and community spirit. Along the way, I’ve welcomed more “spiritual” philosophies, as I find many of them profoundly helpful and comforting on a day-to-day basis. The Abundance Book, by John Randolph Price, is one such guide book (it’s a quick 79 pages). For me, there are numerous sentences and passages that I can rely on for guidance, strength and courage, whatever life brings. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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