Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Brain’s natural desire to wrap up unfinished business...

The peril of late night emails

Workers of the world, let’s resist the urge to send emails after hours. We may think of our messages as benign, but ‘an email is never just an email,’ writes JotForm founder Aytekin Tank. Work messages after hours bring us back to work precisely when we need to recharge. And it can trigger the Zeigarnik effect, our brain’s natural desire to wrap up unfinished business. This urge makes it that much harder to disconnect. And amid the pandemic, when the bounds between work and life are blurred for many, we need all the separation we can muster.

— Scott Olster, Editor at LinkedIn

Wow, I didn’t know that was an actual thing, our brains needing to wrap up unfinished business. No wonder we lay awake some nights. Problem is, some things in life remain “unfinished” don’t they. My favourite therapist advises writing a letter outlining all of our thoughts and feeling (and not sending it), when we’re looking for the closure we’re never going to get. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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