Monday, May 18, 2020

Best ways to say you’re sorry...

Apologizing with sincerity is both an art and, it turns out, a science. A growing body of apology research recently highlighted by BBC Worklife offers a few key pointers on how to express contrition. One study finds that effective apologies are best served with gifts, especially the kind that are costly to the apologizer. The gift is less about the monetary value of the offering but about the signal the gift sends. Another tip: For minor infractions, combine your apology with a thank you. Thanking someone for their understanding or patience is a self-esteem booster, which may ease any hurt feelings.

— Scott Osler, Editor at LinkedIn

In learning how to “clear” with people when friction arises (it took some counselling, relationship workshops and practice actually), I also realized there’s a lot to learn from listening to others. Rather than get defensive or offended, it’s interesting to hear where other people are coming from. The level of understanding achieved has been a real relationship building and deepening experience. Very cool. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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